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Back to Business, Trainer's Reps, a Workout and a bitchin' BLTC

Today is the first official day back-to-business after an awkward holiday break in which Christmas and New Year's Day fell mid-week. This somehow made for a very odd work week all around; coupled with a pretty nasty virus going around, clients were dropping like flies. My die-hards checked in but it seems that most of my clients fell off-the-wagon a little bit both in nutrition and exercise. It happens. Now it's time to regroup and execute some damage control as we build momentum for 2013.

 What a great line up I had today! Alison is 29 weeks pregnant and rocking 500+ reps including bilateral and unilateral work on the BOSU! She is one fit Mama who wrapped up our session today boxing it out. Here she is doing reverse flys on the BOSU- this is a great exercise to strengthen and stretch the upper back, chest and arms, with the added element of balance on the BOSU. Badass. Doesn't she look amazing? Be inspired! I am.
Next was a new mom I am training, who is 6 months postpartum. I love her because she is always excited for a challenging workout and has a huge smile on her face every single time I show up. It disappears mid workout then magically reappears during cool down :) It feels SO great to earn those reps and know you are better for it.

Lastly was my running buddy Wayne who logged a killer 515 hard earned reps tonight. It was pelvic stability to the max with BOSU pistol squats, BOSU triple kicks, mass weighted squat combos and weighted BOSU jumps- plus core, of course, always!

My food detour for today is a BLTC. I was ravenous last night from my measly 6.7K run. It was yummy. I think it is pretty straightforward whole food, despite the (bad!) bacon :) Hey if it is the worst I am doing after a good run I'm ok with it. It's better than the 3 cookies I rewarded myself with- note that there is no picture of those hehe.

A client sent me this workout that he did, because he had enjoyed it and wanted to share. I am going to give it a run through on my next strength day:

Squats on inverted BOSU 15 x3 sets
Step ups on the step up thing 20 per side x3 sets (this was hard)
Lat pull down (front & back) 16x60 | 14x70 | 12x80
Core on BOSU 25, 25, 50 (Pyke knee tuck things, reptile - the one where you look back and twist and running mountain climber)
Shoulder press 7.5lbs (15 | 13 | 12)
Push ups & knee tuck things on the ball 20 each 3 sets
Take inspiration, folks! I sure do.

The last thing I want to mention is that I am starting to count my "trainer reps" in my workout summaries. Today by the count from the 3 whiteboards I logged 738 (what I will call) "trainer reps" which are reps I did with clients. They count right? I think so, at least towards ongoing maintenance and at most towards small steady improvements. Trainer reps seem to be the foundation of my ongoing program currently, so my dedicated personal sessions are the gravy where I can make a push for improvement. With such a solid foundation in place every dedicated workout I do is a huge investment in improvements, which is very exciting to me and a serious consideration in my strategic goals for 2013. 


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