My husband suggested that I blog about falling off the wagon, and I told him that I do! Of course it is a constant theme in this pursuit of fitness for life. I thought I'd write a little about some of the challenges that I face from day to day, week to week, and so on.
I have been struggling a bit lately with REST. During the summer I made a hard push, working out 5-7+ days in a row, then resting for 2. Often I was doing "two-a-days" with an intense strength session in the morning followed by a short 5K evening run. Looking back at my workout log I took 5 rest days in June, 12 rest days in July (5 of those were consecutive, as I was planning my daughter's bday party; I considered it a week of summer workout vacation), and 9 rest days in August (5 of those also being consecutive as my husband had a week off work and I took it as my 2nd week of summer workout vacation). Over 3 months that is of 26 of 92 days, which averages to working out every 2-3 days. It feels like I did a LOT, and really I aim for 5 days/week, so that still seems low somehow.
It feels like every time I take 2 days rest or more I have thing gnawing feeling of having "fallen off the wagon". Of course I know that 2 weeks is the "magic" number before reversibility licks in, but somehow I can't shake the feeling- which sucks, because rest days should be mental rest days too. I need to get my head around my rest days!
It feels like every time I take 2 days rest or more I have thing gnawing feeling of having "fallen off the wagon". Of course I know that 2 weeks is the "magic" number before reversibility licks in, but somehow I can't shake the feeling- which sucks, because rest days should be mental rest days too. I need to get my head around my rest days!
The full body plyometric-style exercises are working extremely well for me. They are intense and challenging, and they leave me sore and tired. It's amazing that after 4 months of the same 30 (or so) exercises and I am still loving it- mentally AND physically! My body is responding- my core is strong, my upper body is stronger than it has ever been (and I am still working my way up to 2 sets of 20 FULL pushups!)
My cardio is on track. I am running 5-10+K distances easily. I just bought some new shoes Brooks Trance 9's (my 3rd pair!) to carry me through the winter. It is my intention to lead a half marathon clinic beginning in January at the Sheridan Running Room. This means slowly increasing my distances through the fall. I am crosstraining cardio on the stationary bike regularly and loving that as a low impact option for both steady pace and interval training.
My flexibility is good, although I ALWAYS need to stretch more.
So working rest into my new routine is proving to a bit of a challenge. I think I need to sit down with a paper and pen and plot out a strategic workout week. That will be my homework. I will post it when it's done.
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