I made my first raw meal!
Green Beans w/soaked quinoa with a splash of soy & sesame oil
Green salad with chopped spinach & with a peanut/garlic/ginger splash
...Bean sprouts with a splash of soy & sesame oil
Cherry Tomatoes
I am excited!
This is very reminiscent of drinking soy milk and eating tofu for the first time- the texture of the raw soup is very different, and although I am sure I can get it tastier with each batch I make, it's still taking quite some getting used to. Wow.
I will say this- when I set up this "raw food" challenge/cleanse I thought it would be easy. Then I started reading about raw food diets and the philosophy, and what a "live" food is defined as... and I quickly realized there is a lot more to this than I first suspected. I honestly have not felt like such a food moron since my early vegetarian days 20 years ago! Live and learn.
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