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Corresponding with Toronto CrossFit

In response to the Crossfit Video that has been in circulation recently, I contacted the Toronto Crossfit HQ to bring awareness to the issue. As far as I understand, Crossfit has released a statement in which they stand behind this horrible video:
"....Mr Newburn insists. "You have actually had a dig at a video that has actually brought light to the situation and made a lot of women feel like they are not alone," " 
This is disappointing. I did receive a reply from CrossFit Toronto which happily surprised me. Here is the ongoing correspondence:

Hi Kate,
My name is John Vivian and i am one of the owners of CrossFit Toronto.

Thank you very much for your email and i apologise for not replying sooner. We really appreciate you sharing this information with us, as well as your concern for what you saw on the video.

i can assure you that at CrossFit Toronto we prioritise the health and safety of our members above all else. Urinating during and as a result of training is not something that we support.

If you haven't already, please make sure to get in touch with CrossFit HQ, the producers of the video. They will surely want to hear your concerns about what was being presented.

Again, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. It is much appreciated.


Dear John- thank you so very much for this reply. I appreciate you recognizing the inappropriateness of the video. From what I understand Crossfit has issued a statement in response to the overwhelming feedback generated by this video. They say they support the position of making women feel as if they aren't alone, and making light humor of the issue in some attempt to make women feel better about this dysfunction. This is disappointing.

Is there any way in which we might work together to bring awareness to the Toronto Crossfit community? Could I teach some pelvic floor/core awareness classes to educate your high intensity athletes? I admire what they do- I have pictures of Crossfit women all over my home gym. I want to help to educate them to make them better athletes without such terrible imbalances as a result.

I have also been communicating with Paul Buono, a Crossfit champoin from NJ who at only 22 years old has been diagnosed with a hypertonic pelvic floor. This is contributing to his injuries- currently in the shoulder. Tremendous research focuses on the co-relation of pelvic floor to thoracic spine.

Please let me know if we might have some opportunity to work together in the interest of high performing athletes everywhere.
Very Sincerely,
Kate Rita


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