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Fitness Pursuits for 2013

 I have been sorely absent from this blog due to my very busy schedule. I aspire to write full length articles on all of the activities I am preoccupied with this year, but for now I'll short hand it in point form:

  • I have gained 5 lbs of muscle in 7 months.
  • We started in April once/week and quickly bumped up to 2x. After a couple of months we started adding a 3rd weekly workout whenever we could.
  • We started out on the universal machine and transitioned to free weights almost exclusively in August.
  • I train with a friend of mine and defer to him regarding our set and workout formats. We always push to max. 
  • Strength training has become the big physical push and mental checkout time that is keeping me sane. 
  • It has been very demanding on my sleep and nutrition routine, which has forced me to improve my discipline in these areas, or risk suffering major recovery setbacks post workout.
  • Another intra-abdominal exercise program involving apnea breaths in specific postures.
  • Shown to reduce tension in the entire body while improving overall muscle tone
  • The posture is insanely difficult
  • These make me sore, feel "light" (not light headed, but more weightless), and my muscles definitely feel more toned all over
  • They reduce the tension in my jaw which helps my TMJ
  • I can only do 20:00 once every 3 days and it's been hard to get a routine in place
  • They are getting easier with practice
  • I am fascinated with the benefits of internal exercise :)

Tai Chi:
  • My ongoing go-to for a quick fix of calm
  • I am still working on my 10 move set
  • I use Tai Chi footwork drills to spice up weight load transfer exercises for clients who are retraining pelvic stability control
  • I love with and facing a partner :)

  • I have yet to find a boxing coach
  • I continue to practice my drills and coerce my friends into holding pads for me
  • Boxing is badass and fun but I am really not interested in taking any shots to the jaw which will most certainly aggravate my TMJ and rattle my brain also. I continue to balance the hard hitting fitness approach to the sport


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