It is Fall again and with the cool weather I have the itch to run. I have not run much since completing the Mississauga Half Marathon in 2012. I took the summer off as I usually do, then began focusing on weight lifting through 2013. I never run in the summer, so here I am in the fall of 2014 feeling the itch.
I do believe that a 5k 3x week run program is the perfect cardio component in a comprehensive fitness program. I have certainly been lacking my cardio component since focusing on lifting weights. I also have been busy and as a single mom it can be hard for me to get out to run- the garage home gym is easy access when my kids are sleeping. I have been feeling inclined to reintroduce running for fitness balance, maintaining not only my cardiovascular health but also increasing the effectiveness of my strength training by incorporating more rest on my run days (I do tend to over train when I get motivated and goal driven).
I have done a lot of studying and field work on the subject of core function and pelvic organ prolapse since I stopped running. I have also finally had a pelvic floor assessment which revealed a grade 1 cystocele and rectocele (mild POP front and back). I am strong and I can run as long as I continue my Core 4 exercises. I shudder to think what grades those POP's would be if I'd continued pounding the pavement over long distances without the core rehabilitation work.
I am starting out with short 2K runs on the mornings I can. When I run now I am acutely aware of my pelvis. I feel for any sensations of impact or heaviness in my entire pelvic floor- front and back. I feel my piriformis come on, my psoas and my glute medius. I monitor my pubic symphysis. I ran for so many years without any awareness of any of this.
I have come to see the sport of running as a gift. I have many clients who are not able to run (yet) due to core dysfunction. The ability to gear up on a whim, throw my shoes on and head out the door feels like a total privilege. I intend to keep my distances short and continue strengthening my core to support the sport. I will also be paying close attention to any symptoms. I am training smart :)
I do believe that a 5k 3x week run program is the perfect cardio component in a comprehensive fitness program. I have certainly been lacking my cardio component since focusing on lifting weights. I also have been busy and as a single mom it can be hard for me to get out to run- the garage home gym is easy access when my kids are sleeping. I have been feeling inclined to reintroduce running for fitness balance, maintaining not only my cardiovascular health but also increasing the effectiveness of my strength training by incorporating more rest on my run days (I do tend to over train when I get motivated and goal driven).
I have done a lot of studying and field work on the subject of core function and pelvic organ prolapse since I stopped running. I have also finally had a pelvic floor assessment which revealed a grade 1 cystocele and rectocele (mild POP front and back). I am strong and I can run as long as I continue my Core 4 exercises. I shudder to think what grades those POP's would be if I'd continued pounding the pavement over long distances without the core rehabilitation work.
I am starting out with short 2K runs on the mornings I can. When I run now I am acutely aware of my pelvis. I feel for any sensations of impact or heaviness in my entire pelvic floor- front and back. I feel my piriformis come on, my psoas and my glute medius. I monitor my pubic symphysis. I ran for so many years without any awareness of any of this.
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