It is imperative to focus on your form when running in order to improve performance and prevent injury. Here are the things I look for when assessing running form:
- Keep your back straight and tall, with shoulder girdle anchored- think shoulders "up, back and down".
- Keep your chin up and upper body still. Your arms are for dynamics not speed/momentum! Do not swing your arms; try to keep forearms parallel to the ground the the wrists relaxed. Do NOT allow your arms to cross your midline in the front- that means do not swing them across your body. This will F&*k your back!
- Do not lean forward. This can cause shin splints. Conversely, don't lean back and strain your core.
- Try to land softly mid foot. Avoid heel striking or running on the balls of the feet.
- Do not stride out. Speed is about turnover, not stride. This can cause shin splints.
- Keep your transverse as engaged as possible- think abs "tight tight tight"
- Try to smile and keep your neck, shoulders and jaw relaxed. Let the weight of your shoulder set stabilize your upper body.
- Do not overextend your range-of-motion- i.e. exaggerated forms through the limbs.
- Keep your senses on the road and your surroundings! Stay safe!
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