We logged 5 workouts in 7 days; I also logged a good number of reps in session with clients, and although they aren't max effort, they do add up.
This summer the plan is to add muscle! With 2 good years of solid calisthenics/body weight training I feel ready to pump a bit. I know I have a solid foundation of strength, balance, agility, coordination and damn near perfect form to support pushing some weight. I can already see big changes in my body over the past 6 months and I am excited to see where I'll be in September.
Please notice the missing reps on the guys' scores. They suck at logging and I resent being secretary ;)
Today I ran 9K in 50:00- about a 5:45. My RPE was 13-14 and I did a tempo finish for the last <1K. I felt great and could hit the gym but my workout buddies are tired so I'll take a well deserved rest day and plan to hit it hard(er) tomorrow!
2012 is year of the harder body, right? There's a lot of momentum going on right now! 2200+ reps this week. Bring it.
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