My (almost) 8 month old is extremely interested in feeding himself. I have been trying to find foods that he can safely practice with feeding to himself. I started with Baby Mum Mums and formula based biscuits- they are pretty messy, and of course I gravitate towards a more homemade and wholesome alternative. But that hasn't been as easy as I expected. We had great success with buttered toast fingers. Perfect. Just make sure the bread is whole wheat and without any grains/seeds in it. Next I tried dicing up apples and pears and steaming them for about 30 minutes, hoping they would achieve a mushy texture that would melt/dissolve. They ended up being rubbery and too small for little hands to negotiate to a mouth- FAIL. I tried steaming fingers of extra firm tofu which also remained rubbery. FAIL I tried baking potato bits but the pan side browned resulting in a hard crust. FAIL Finally I steamed chunks of white potato to a soft but firm consistency. I then dipped the chunks in ...
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