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On Maintenance, & a Great Workout!

It takes a LOT of work to get in shape. There's nothing like postpartum recovery to emphasize that point. It takes tremendous effort to gain improvements and to really see and feel results. Day in and day out it can feel like a relentless pursuit, neverending with only more days of continuous effort ahead. This can be an overwhelming feeling which lends itself to defeatism in our fitness goals.

The GREAT thing is that maintenance takes less effort; that is to say, once the improvements are made it takes less effort to maintain that level of fitness over time. This is very motivating! The push we make on a given day- over the weeks and months where we struggle to see results- has a lasting effect on our well being. Conversely, the poor decisions we make that result in regression of our progress equate to only more hard hard work! This is doubly motivating- to stay active and also to make good decisions in the day to day that do not thwart our hard efforts and dent our hard earned results!

Here is my Workout log for today. 0 days rest, 6th day consecutive. 
30 minutes

Warm Up:
Dynamic Stretching with focus on Neck & Chest

Sets 20:10 Work:Rest x 8 = 4:00 minutes each set of rounds.

Monkey Push Ups: 2,3,3,3,3,4,3,4,3 (1 extra, oops)
Jump 1 Fwd 2 Back: 8,9,9,9,6,10,8,10
Modified Push Up: 6,6,4,4,4,3,3,4 *my form was deep, and I am very happy with that!
Lunge Jumps: 12,10,8,9,7,8,8,6 *my form was deep, and I am very happy with that!
Burpees: 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3

Cool Down: Child's Pose- I tried to do a sun salutation and my muscles were so spent I couldn't even complete one. Wow.

I am SPENT. I am extremely happy with my form this workout. Even though my reps are lower my form is better and I see that as the best progress, especially considering I wasn't able to complete the rounds with proper form in the previous attempts

It's always a great feeling when my workout for the day is done and I can get on with other things knowing that I have put the work in to my fitness. It's all downhill after that- working out is the hardest thing I do so everything after that just seems like cake!


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