The pelvic tilt is an important exercise. As a pre/postnatal trainer I teach clients how to do a proper pelvic tilt for core and pelvic floor strengthening, If you review the headlift in the ab rehab program you will recall that executing a proper pelvic tilt is a prerequisite of the exercise, as shortens the recti at the lowest point.
The pelvic tilt is not achieved with the hips; rather, through the abdominals with a visualization. Remember, this is the foundation of the headlift as it is the first 3 steps of the headlift. Here is how to perform the pelvic tilt in a back lying position:
- Expand the belly to 1st floor
- Bring JUST the transverse to spine (5th floor). Don’t use pelvis or back to do it
- Now HOLD IT THERE as you visualize the belly button zipping up the spine under the ribs. (Spine is zipper and belly button is pull on zipper)
When the pelvic tilt is properly engaged the lower back will press gently into the floor; again, without assistance from flexion at the hip. Once this can be achieved in a supine position it can then also be performed in a seated position. Add this exercise to your program as a modified Elevator to assist in closing the lowest point of a diastasis.
My experience is that the diastasis closes from the top down. I know that Samantha has at least one client who closed her lowest point of diastasis first, but the closure most often seems to happen from top to bottom. The lower connective tissue which is often the weakest strengthens tremendously in those first weeks of contractions and elevators.
The headlift helps to target lower abdominals with the pelvic tilt and the double splinting. If you are like myself and have the largest separation remaining at the lowest point I recommend adding seated pelvic tilts elevator-style to your program in week 9. So here's how it is executed in the seated position:
Sit tall on a chair or crossed legged on the floor with your back against the wall.
Do a belly breath by inhaling through the nose and filling your belly up with air.
Exhale and bring your belly to 5th floor.
Visualize the belly button zipping up the spine under the ribs. (Spine is zipper and belly button is pull on zipper)
Hold it there for 30 seconds. Count out loud so you are breathing.
Do 10 little squeezes from from 5th to 6th floor (inner to outer spine)
Finish with a breath
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